Wild animals and livestock – 野兽和家畜



4.  Wild animals and livestock

A variety modeling of wild animals and domestic animals in the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group provides us with much important cultural information, such as ecological environment; people’ production and life; religious and clan ingredients and so on. Among the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group, there are many kinds of wild animals; the cattle, sheep and pig were the common livestock. From this we know that a good ecological environment in this region for a variety of birds and mammals survive. At that time, the people’s production and life were mainly based on agriculture, animal husbandry and hunting; and from the modeling of the combination and integration of a variety animals, we know that the agriculture and animal husbandry clans were commonly with cattle, sheep and pig as their clan’s totem. We can infer that this region was a mixed area of clans, the main clans were Dong-Yi and Qiang, and they had broad cultural exchange with other regions.

animal 4-1






4.1 Pig


Length: 6.8cm, high: 3.4cm, thickness: 2.1cm.

The jade is a kind of pyroxene in gray-green color with brown markings.

The pig is in standing position; it has a big head, drop-shaped convex eyes, the muzzle pouted, ears standing on the back of its head, the front legs short and the hind legs squatting, and sturdy body. There is a double bevel drilling hole on its chest.

The pig is the totem of the Shiwei’s clan which widely distributed, mainly in the Northeast China and the Chinese eastern coastal area in the New Stone Age. They had important contribution for creating the Hongshan culture and Liangzhu culture.

animal 4-2

Fig 4.2






4.2. Buffalo head

High: 3.5cm, width: 4cm, thickness: 1.1cm.

The jade is sapphire with reddish brown markings and gray spots.

Its shape is: the double horns bended upward, the horn tips pointed to right and left respectively; date kernel-shaped protruding eyes, muzzle pouted. . On the back of it, there is a longitudinal ridge and an ox nostril-shaped drilling hole on its top. This buffalo head model has concise carving techniques and vivid style.

December 1996, near the Xinmin county, Liaoning Province excavated a complete fossil of buffalo horn, by experts confirmed that its time is about ten thousand years ago, the Late Pleistocene. Archaeologists believed that this discovery has great significance for studying the ancient environment during the last ice age in that area. This discovery was also confirmed that it has a good natural and ecological environment in the Pan-Hongshan cultural area at that time.

animal 4-3


4.3. 河马驮海龟





4.3. Hippo and sea turtle combinative ornament


Length: 6cm, high: 5cm, width: 2.8cm.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive reddish brown markings.

The shape of the modeling is a big sea turtle lying on the back of a hippo. The hippo is sturdy, its abdomen bulged, limbs muscular and short, face upward, hemispherical protruding eyes, nostrils upturned, mouth opened, just like to talk with the sea turtle. The sea turtle stretched its neck upward; it has protruding round eyes, round shell, and triangular tail affixed to the hip of the hippo, four big feet, and three toes on each foot and clinging to the hippo’s body. The overall of the modeling is lively and interesting.

Hippo often soak the body in the water, only the head and back out of the water, looks like a big rock; the sea turtle climb up on it to take sunlight and just became a good friend of Hippo. Hippos live in Africa; it was one of the goddess of the ancient Egypt. The sea turtle was the totem of the Xuanyuan’s clan which lived in the Northeast of China. This modeling indicated that the African ancestors and the ancestors lived in the Pan-Hongshen cultural areas have had friendly cultural exchanges.

animal 4-4






4.4. Monkey and rhino combinative ornament


Length: 6cm, high: 4.5cm, thickness: 1.5cm.

The jade is high quality sapphire with corrosive brownish red markings and spots.

This modeling is a monkey leaning behind a rhino’s head. The shape of the rhino’s head is: a pair of big convex drop-shaped eyes sloping downward, nostrils upturned, its single horn is on the top of its nose and bending backward, ears affixed to both sides of its head, which are similar to elephant’s ears. The shape of the monkey is: convex round eyes, protruding muzzle, and hands placed on rhino’s head. There is a straight hole drilled from both sides of the rhino’s cheek. The shape of the modeling is vivid, and made by high level making skills.

animal 4-5

                             Fig 4.5

4.5. 鹰、虎佩

高16.7厘米,宽6.1厘米,厚9 厘米。




4.5.         The combinative ornament of eagle and tiger


High: 16.7cm, width: 6.1cm, thickness: 9cm.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive gray skin and reddish brown markings.

The shape of the modeling is a tiger sitting on a eagle‘s shoulder. The eagle shape is: head slightly reaching, round convex eyes, hook beak, wings affixed to the body sides, the tail extending obliquely downward, and sturdy legs. The tiger’s front legs straight, hind legs flexed, sharp claws, head reached toward, facing front, nostrils upturned, inverse “V”-shaped mouth, erecting ears, drooping tail and the tail end bending up, and high relief spine. This modeling is vivid, and made by high technological level. It is a joint totemic statue, may be the image of Taihao tribal totem.


Various bird models – 各種鳥的造型

                                           三.  各種鳥的造型


3.  Various bird modeling

There is a variety of jade birds in the Pan-hongshan cultural jade group; the largest number of them are the eagles and the owls. From this, we know that the clan with the eagle or owl as their totem were very strong and had a broad geographic distribution.  Eagle and owl is the Taihao and Shaohao family totem, and the main totem of the Dong Yi nationality. They mainly distributed in northeast China and the Lake Baikal region. In the late Last Ice Age, they had reached the northwest America across the Bering Strait. During the Neolithic period, they were important founders of civilization in the China’s southeast coast area.

bird 3-1

Fig 3.1



全沁, 呈深红色, 间有棕、黄沁色斑斓色彩,表面有蚀斑。

其造型为一立姿展翅之鹰,双目呈球冠状突起,尖喙,饰有阴刻鼻孔。双翅贴于身体两侧,其上饰瓦沟纹,隐起三道圆折纹骨架。肩部耸起呈展翅欲飞状,腹部隆起,双足置于小腹前,以浮雕饰出鹰爪,尾翼呈折扇形,饰瓦沟纹。背面以压地及打洼法饰出双翅,无其它纹饰。颈后有一对钻牛鼻穿。              泛红山文化玉群中此类造型的鹰很多,此鷹的造型是泛紅山文化玉群中最普遍的鷹的造型,它是東夷族重要的氏族图腾。此鹰体量较大,造型端庄,做工严谨,应属氏族首领代表权势之器。

  3.1. Eagle

High: 14cm, width: 14cm, thickness: 4.2cm, weight: 1080g.

The jade is full covered by corrosive dark red color with yellowish brown markings.

Its shape is a standing eagle with slightly spreading wings. It has hemispheric protruding eyes, sharp beak decorated with incised nostrils. There are corrugate patterns decorated on wings. Abdomen bulged, feet placed on the lower abdomen; the tail is in folding fan-shape. There is an ox nostrils-shaped hole back of its neck.

This is common shape of jade eagle in the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group; it is an important clan’s totem of East Yi Nationality. This large and beautiful jade eagle should belong to the clan’s leader on behalf of his power.

bird 3-2

                        FIG 3.2






3.2. Owl

High: 5.3cm, width: 4cm, thickness: 1.8cm.

The jade is high quality sapphire with corrosive red, brown and yellow markings.

It is a standing owl modeling. Its shape is: big head, small body, a pair of large circular eyes covered whole face, and the round eye beads protruding.  The crest is in inverted triangle-shape with brownish red color, it looks like a big beautiful hat with natural color, a pair of breasts on the chest, wings on the back, powerful feet. There is an ox nostril-shaped drilling hole back of its neck.

This jade owl is in vivid style with the exaggerated performance practices, it showed the keen observation and rich imagination of art of the maker. Because a pair of breasts of the owl was highlighted, so it was an owl clan totem of matriarchal society.

bird 3-3

FIG 3.3







3.3. Eagle

Length: 5cm, width: 4.8cm, thickness: 2cm.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive brownish-gray markings.

The eagle is in diving posture. It has a pair of hemispheric protruding eyes, a bending downward sharp beak. Its wings spread backward, tail wing upturned, and feet affixed to abdomen. It looks like a diving predator. There are folding fan patterns decorated on its tail feathers and a hole drilling from both sides of its beak.

This eagle is very lively style and high level of art. There are some similar shapes of jade eagles among the Liangzhu Cultural jade pieces; it indicated that the Liangzhu culture was by the influence of Pan-Hongshan culture.

bird 3-4

                               FIG 3.4

3.4. 凤鸟背珠




3.4. Phoenix with a bead carrying

Length: 6.7cm, high: 3.8cm, thickness: 2.5cm.

It is celadon jade with corrosive reddish brown markings.

This is a long tail phoenix in standing posture and with a bead which was hold by its curly wings on the back. Its shape is: face forward, eyes convex, sharp beak bending downward, chest uplift, both left and right wings decorated by corrugated patterns, wave-shaped tail wing dragging on the ground. The bead is in waist drum-shaped with a lateral straight drilling hole.

This jade phoenix is in beautiful style with superb processing techniques. It is a treasure of Pan-Hongshan culture. It is noteworthy that the “one side slope” jade-making techniques that popular in West Zhou Dynasty began in Pan-Hongshan cultural period. By the way, during the pan-hongshan cultural period, the waist drum shaped beads just as the pig-dragon were the most popular mascots and amulets, they have gone beyond the limits of human life throughout the animal kingdom so as to aliens.

bird 3-5

FIG 3.5






3.5. Eagle and Turtle combinative ornament

High: 6cm, width: 2cm, thickness: 3cm.

It is celadon jade with corrosive reddish brown color.

It is a combinative modeling; its shape is an eagle standing on a turtle shell. The eagle’s shape is: round convex eyes, wings affixed to its back, upturned tail, bulged belly. The turtle shell is a synthetic from the upper and lower two parts, there is a straight hole between them drilled from both ends, and in funnel-shape at its both ends. The upper shell slightly upturned at both ends. There is an ox nostril-shaped hole back of the eagle’s neck. This combinative ornament has the connotation of the joined clan totem.


Various Dragon Modeling – 各种龙的造型



                        2. Various dragon modeling

  The dragon is the most symbolic representation of Chinese traditional culture. There are many different shapes of jade dragon in the Pan-hongshan jade group, two kinds of them were widely respected, they are “C” shaped dragon and Pig-dragon, and both of them were far beyond the scope of a clan totem. They are the universal spiritual idols of the world or even the universe; they also have the connotation of the male. There are also a lot of fantastic combinative modeling and integrative modeling of dragon with other animals among the Pan-Hongshan jade group.

dragon 2-1

Fig 2.1

2.1   “C”形玉龙



其造型为典型红山文化玉器中“C”字形玉龙的形状。吻部前凸,有一对阴刻鼻孔,闭口,双目突出,呈水滴形,以剔地法饰出。下颌有菱形网络纹,颈部有鬣,鬣之端部上 翘,鬣边倒角锋利,鬣后有一对钻斜孔。这种“C”形龙被称为中华第一玉龙。

2.1. “C”-shaped dragon

High: 28.5cm, the cross section of the body is in round shape and its diameter is 3.5cm, weight: 2500g.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive gray skin and reddish markings on the head.

Its shape is a typical “C” shaped dragon of Hongshan culture. It has protrusive snout, a pair of incised nostrils, a pair of convex drop-shaped eyes, and a long mane behind the neck. There are diamond shaped grid patterns under the jaw, and a double bevel hole behind the mane. The “C” shape dragon is known as Chinese first jade dragon.

dragon 2-2

Fig 2.2

2.2     猪龙



这是泛红山文化中最常见的玉龙造型。它有一个大头和环形的身体,首尾相接,其眼、鼻、口与上额主要以打洼及精磨法饰出,仅睛珠周边及牙齿以阴刻线饰出;眼呈环形,睛珠突起,眼眶以打洼法隐起一凸棱;前额高凸,鼻梁凹 陷,鼻以突起之波浪纹饰之;口微张,上唇呈波纹状,下唇平直,左右皆以阴刻线饰出一对利齿;耳呈弧形环立于头顶至脑后;器之中央有对钻大孔,颈后有一对钻小孔,首尾间沿中心孔径方向有一缺口,切口平齐。此猪龙之玉质、造型与加工均属上乘。此龙的头似猪头,故称猪龙。这类的环形或玦形龙在泛红山文化玉群中很多。猪龙和“C”形龙是当时受到最广泛尊崇的神灵。

2.2. Pig-dragon

High: 12.4cm, width: 8cm, thickness: 3cm,

The jade is high quality sapphire with whitish and yellowish mist color.

This is a very popular kind of jade dragon modeling of Pan-Hongshan culture. It has a big head and curled body and connected end to end. The face shape is:  ring-shaped big eyes with round convex eye beads, high forehead, low nasal bridge, corrugated upper lip, straight lower lip, a pair of sharp teeth on both sides, a pair of curved large ears standing on its head. There is a small bifacial hole back of the neck. Between the head and tail there is a gap. This kind of dragon which has beast head and slotted-ring shaped body is known as pig-dragon, it is the most popular shape of jade dragons in Pan-Hongshan cultural period. The pig dragon and the “C” shape dragon were widely respected deities at that time.

dragon 2-3

Fig 2.3

2.3   鸟首翼龙顶蛙人



此龙的造型与猪龙相似,不同在于它有翼、鳥喙、和一双鸟足。一蛙首怪人趴于其头 颈部。带翼鸟喙玦形龙在泛红山玉群中并不鲜见,这种龙是女性的图腾。蛙首怪人头似蛙,双目圆凸,前臂与颈前伸趴 伏在龙的头顶,臀部高翘,后腿弯曲,小腿贴于龙之颈 后,整个身体似青蛙欲向前跳跃状。龙之颈后有一对钻圆孔。蛙首人是女娲氏族的图腾形象,此造像表明鸟首翼龙也是女娲氏族的保护神。

2.3. A frogman carried by dragon

High: 6cm, width: 3.5cm, thickness: 2cm.

The jade is high quality black jade with waxy luster and corrosive gray markings.

Its shape is a frogman who stands on a dragon head. The dragon’s shape is similar to the pig dragon showed in Fig 2.2; the differences are that it has a bird head, bird wings and a pair of bird’s feet. The frogman’s shape is: frog head, human body, round convex eyes; his legs squatted and stands on the dragon’s neck, his hands stretch forward and place on the dragon’s head. The frogman is the frog clan’s totem, and the dragon with bird’s head and wings is female totem, so this dragon statue is the protective goddess of Nuwa clan. (Nuwa is original Chinese ancestress, and the frog was the totem of her clan).

dragon 2-4

Fig 2.4

2.4    河马、猪龙组合



其造型为一河马头,颈上立一小猪龙。河马之双目圆凸,眉骨呈月牙形突起,双耳斜立于眉骨后方,眉眼间起一凸棱;鼻翼高凸,外翻,鼻孔朝前,鼻口间有一横向凸棱;双唇突起,口微张,嘴角处有一横向对钻圆孔;颈部粗壮,其末端饰一腰鼓形珠,沿珠之中心线有一横向管钻圆孔。颈上猪龙高约 1.5cm,形状较典型,其双目圆突, 环形双耳立于头顶,口前噘,首尾相接呈环形,中间有一对钻圆孔。

河马生活于非洲,猪龙是泛红山文化先民最普遍的崇拜 物,这表示泛红山文化地区先民与非洲先民曾有过友好往来。顺便提一下,腰鼓形玉珠是当时很普遍的护身符。

2.4. The combinative ornament of hippo and pig dragon

Length: 6cm, width: 2cm, high: 3.5cm.

The jade is high quality sapphire with corrosive gray skin and reddish brown markings.

Its shape is a hippo’s head and a pig dragon standing behind. The shape of the hippo’s head is: round convex eyes, crescent-shaped protruding brow, ears standing behind the brow, a convex edge between the brows, big nose, nostrils forward, a horizontal convex ridge between nose and mouth, lips protruding, mouth slightly open, a lateral hole drilled from both side of mouth. There is a drum pearl at the end of its neck.  The pig dragon is in typical shape.

Hippos lived in Africa; pig dragon was the common object of worship of the Pan-Hongshan cultural ancestors, this modeling indicated that our ancestors have had friendly cultural exchanges between Pan-Hongshan cultural area and Africa.  By the way, the waist drum shaped pearl was very popular amulet at that time.

dragon 2-5

Fig 2.5


2.5     猪龙、鸟组合佩



其造型为一猪龙背驮一鸟。猪龙形状为环眼、双目突起, 噘嘴、耳未饰出。其身体呈环形。鸟与猪龙背对,鸟之双目呈半球状突起,大喙,羽翼贴于背后,尾翼前翘,鸟之胸前有突起的乳房。猪龙颈后有一对钻牛鼻穿。

此珮是龙与鸟的组合形式,其中鸟为女性,猪龙代表男性。 二者之组合有阴阳组合之意。这种龙、鸟组合的形式一直被继承并演化成为商、周以来的中华龙凤文化。

2.5. A combinative ornament of a bird and a dragon

High: 5.7m, width: 5.4cm, thickness: 1.4cm.

The jade is high quality sapphire with brown markings.

Its shape is a pig dragon and a bird together. The shape of the pig dragon is: ring-shaped convex eyes, pouting snout, round head and curved body. The shape of the bird is: hemispheric protruding eyes, big beak, wings affixed to the back, a pair of plump breasts. The posture of them is in back to back. There is an ox nostrils-shaped hole on the back of the pig dragon’s neck.

This modeling highlights that this bird is female, but the pig dragon stands for male, so it has the meaning of combining the female and male or Yin and Yang. People followed this art form and gradually have evolved into the Chinese Dragon-Phoenix culture during the Shang and Zhou period, which has been continuing up to now.

dragon 2-6

Fig 2.6

2.6   龙鹰融合佩

高 6.5cm,宽 3.5cm,厚 1.5cm。


造型为一龙身之鸟。鸟首似鹰首,双目突起,大喙呈弯钩 状,双翅贴于身体两侧,展翅状,身似蛇,尾内弯呈环状。 此器为鸟首龙身图腾造像。很像是在南美洲受到普遍尊敬的羽蛇神-奎札科特尔造像。与图1.13比较可知羽蛇神有人首或鸟首两种造像。

2.6. Dragon and eagle integrated modeling

High: 6.5cm, width: 3.5cm, thickness: 1.5cm.

The jade is in bile color with reddish brown markings.

Its shape is an eagle with dragon’s body. It has protruding eyes, large hook-shaped beak, it wings spread upward, it has a dragon body and the tail curled into ring-shape. It looks like the Feathered Serpent God who is widely respected god in South America named Quetzalcoatl. It is in different shape of the god from the one showing in Fig 1.13,both of them are the same god-Quetzalcoatl.

Clan Totem Statues



                                                 Clan Totem Statues

Clan totem worship was an important part of the original clan religion. It is a prosperous community during the Pan-Hongshan cultural period, there are many kinds of clan totem statues among the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group.  They are vivid portrayals of ancient legends, also they are the image annotations of the ancient classics, such as <Shan Hai Jing>, and they confirmed that many ancient legends have their true historical background. Many vivid totem images of legendary Chinese ancestors can be seen among the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group.  These totem images also confirmed that the Pan-Hongshan culture is an important source of Chinese civilization.

totem 1-6

                       Fig 1.6

1.6   人首夔龙—雷神



其造型为一人与带翅翼龙之融合体,人首、人足、龙身和鸟翅。整体造型是与三星他拉“ C ”形龙为基础,将其头换为人头,并且在其背部加翼,在其尾部加足。其头部形象为:一双吊梢细目突起,鼻梁挺拔直通上额,双耳贴于面颊后,小嘴呈“ ”字形,尖下颌前翘,颈后有鬣,鬣端上翘。背部有下垂的翅膀,近尾端处生有一双人脚,背部中间有一对钻圆孔。这一造型像是传说中雷神的形象,他可兼控海、陆、空,既可呼风唤雨又可翻江倒海、雷霆万钧,威力无比。传说伏羲之母华胥就是因为踏到了雷神的大足印迹而怀孕,生出人首龙身的伏羲。伏羲是中华民族的共同祖先,人首龙身或人首蛇身是他的图腾形象。

1.6. Thunder God in human head and dragon body shape


High: 5.2cm, width: 5.5cm, thickness: 1.5cm.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive pits and holes and white markings on the surface.


It’s a human and a dragon integrated statue. Its shape is: human head and feet, C-shaped dragon body with wings, a long mane behind the neck. There is a perforation on its back. This statue is the Thunder God image in legend. It is a super-powerful god; it can control the land, sea and sky. There was a legend that Fuxi’s mother “Huaxu” once stepped on a large foot point of the Thunder God, and then she was pregnant and gave birth to Fuxi who has human head and dragon body. Fuxi is the common ancestor of the Chinese nation; his totemic image is in human head and dragon or snake body.

                  totem 1-7

                                        Fig 1.7


1.7   蛙神女娲




1.7. The Frog Goddess Nuwa

High: 6.4cm, width: 2.5cm, thickness: 2.3cm.

The jade is in gray-green color and reddish-brown markings.

The statue is a woman in kneeling posture, facing front, her upper body is upright, and her eyes are sloping upward, mouth slightly open, ears affixed to the back of the cheek. She has a pair of high convex breasts, and put her hands at the bottom of breasts. There is a frog on her top of head, it has high convex eyes, upright front legs and squatting back legs, it is a vivid frog’s image. This woman looks like an image of nursing mother; the frog decoration means that she is ancestress of the Frog clan. Since the Pan-Hongshan cultural period to the Neolithic period, the frog was a very common clan’s totem. A historical legend said that the human ancestress Nuwa was a Frog Goddess, so this image should be the statue of the Goddess Nuw a. In addition according to the legend, Fuxi and Nuwa are husband and wife; they are the common ancestors of Chinese nation, just as is the Western legend of the Adam and Eve. Apart from Nuwa statues in human form, there are frog-shaped Nuwa totemic statues, the frog head and human body Nuwa clan totemic statues, the human head and snake body Nuwa totemic statues and so on.

Totem 1-8


                    Fig 1.8

1.8   有熊氏图腾




1.8. Bear clan’s totem

High: 7cm, width: 3cm, thickness: 3.2cm.

The jade is covered by chicken bone colored skin.

It is a statue of a standing woman with bear head. Its shape is round convex eyes, high nose, bulgy back, and squatting legs; her hands hold her breasts. There is an ox-nostril shaped hole on the back. It is a statue of bear clan’s totem in matriarchal society. The bear clan was the predecessor of the Huangdi family, so Huangdi clan took bear as its clan’s totem, and known as ‘Youxiong’; the Huangdi clan also known as ‘Xuanyuan’ and took sea turtle for its totem. It can be known that the predecessor of Huangdi clan had been a united clan of the bear clan and the sea turtle clan, that is the coalition of a hunting clan and a fishing clan.

totem 1-9

                   Fig 1.9

1.9   天鼋氏图腾




1.9. Turtle clan’s totem

High: 6.8cm, width: 2.8cm, thickness: 2.6cm.

The jade is sapphire and part of the surface covered by chicken-bone color.

The modeling is a totem with turtle head, turtle shell and human body. It shape is: head upward ,the drop-shaped eyes high convex, upturned nose, closed mouth, arms affixed to the sides, an oval-shaped turtle shell on the back, feet closer together. There is a straight bifacial drilling hole from the bottom to the top. The turtle is one of the totems of the Yellow Emperor’s family; a part of original Yellow Emperor clan was a family of fishermen at sea.

totem 1-10

Fig 1.10

1.10    牛氏族图腾













1.10. Ox clan totem

High: 17.3cm, width: 5.8cm, thickness: 7.8cm.

The jade is sapphire with reddish-brown markings and corrosive stripes and holes, and some visible regenerate crystal particles in the corrosive holes.

It is an ox head and human body goddess in kneeling position. Its shape is: high convex drop-shaped eyes, semi-circular shaped ears, muzzle protruding forward, nostrils upturned, two horns stretched to behind of the head and the horn tips bending upward, a pair of large breasts hanging on chest, and buttock uplift. According to the historical legend the image of Yandi was ox head and human body, so the statue should be the ancestress of the Yandi family that is the totem of Yandi family. There is an ox-nostril shaped hole at the back of the statue.

totem 1-11atotem 1-11

Fig 1.11                                                                    Fig 1.11


1.11    人、鹰双面饰




1.11. Double-sided sculpture of portrait and eagle

High: 12cm, width: 10.5cm, thickness: 7cm.

The jade is in green color and brown markings.

One side of the ornament is a portrait; its shape is drop-shaped slope up eyes, garlic-shaped nose, and upturned nostrils, large mouth, sharp canines exposed, tongue stretched upward, eyebrows stretched up to hair line. The overall shape is in dignified and majestic style. This is the leader image of Zaochi clan. The other side is a standing eagle. Its shape is: big eyes, big beak with hook-shaped tip, bulged abdomen, chest with a pair of breasts, legs squatting, and wings affixed both sides. The eagle shape is beautiful and fitness. It shows that the eagle is a totem of Zaochi clan which is a branch of East Yi nationality. They had wildly distribution; and had great contribution for creating Chinese civilization. This jade sculpture is in very high artistic and technology level.

totem 1-12

                  Fig 1.12

1.12 鸟人




1.12. Bird man

High: 6.4cm, width: 3.2cm, thickness: 1.7cm.

The jade is in green color, glass luster and brown markings.


It is a totemic statue with bird head, bird feet and human body. Its shape is: drop-shaped high convex eyes, hook-shaped beak, and a crest on head, two hands at the back, the abdomen bulged, and legs squatting. This is a vivid image and superb technique.

The Bird man is the totem of the “Stork Head State” recorded in < Shanhai jing> classics. Today some people still enshrine Bird man, such as Easter Island and other places in South Pacific area. Dating back 15000 years or so, the Stork Head clan flourished in Northeast China, they maybe the founder of the earliest writing system.

totem 1-13


                     Fig 1.13

1.13  羽蛇神

高6.8cm,宽 3.8cm,厚 1.8cm。




1.13. The Feathered Serpent God

High: 6.8cm, width: 3.8cm, thickness: 1.8cm.

The jade is in dark green color and reddish brown stains on the surface.

This statue is a goddess image. She has woman head and dragon body; and there are a pair of wings and a pair of feet on her body, and an ox nostril-shaped hole behind her head. This statue is much like the legendary Feathered Serpent God-Quetzalcoatl in Mayan culture,her image is similar to the thunder god showed on figure 1.6.