Various Dragon Modeling – 各种龙的造型



                        2. Various dragon modeling

  The dragon is the most symbolic representation of Chinese traditional culture. There are many different shapes of jade dragon in the Pan-hongshan jade group, two kinds of them were widely respected, they are “C” shaped dragon and Pig-dragon, and both of them were far beyond the scope of a clan totem. They are the universal spiritual idols of the world or even the universe; they also have the connotation of the male. There are also a lot of fantastic combinative modeling and integrative modeling of dragon with other animals among the Pan-Hongshan jade group.

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Fig 2.1

2.1   “C”形玉龙



其造型为典型红山文化玉器中“C”字形玉龙的形状。吻部前凸,有一对阴刻鼻孔,闭口,双目突出,呈水滴形,以剔地法饰出。下颌有菱形网络纹,颈部有鬣,鬣之端部上 翘,鬣边倒角锋利,鬣后有一对钻斜孔。这种“C”形龙被称为中华第一玉龙。

2.1. “C”-shaped dragon

High: 28.5cm, the cross section of the body is in round shape and its diameter is 3.5cm, weight: 2500g.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive gray skin and reddish markings on the head.

Its shape is a typical “C” shaped dragon of Hongshan culture. It has protrusive snout, a pair of incised nostrils, a pair of convex drop-shaped eyes, and a long mane behind the neck. There are diamond shaped grid patterns under the jaw, and a double bevel hole behind the mane. The “C” shape dragon is known as Chinese first jade dragon.

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Fig 2.2

2.2     猪龙



这是泛红山文化中最常见的玉龙造型。它有一个大头和环形的身体,首尾相接,其眼、鼻、口与上额主要以打洼及精磨法饰出,仅睛珠周边及牙齿以阴刻线饰出;眼呈环形,睛珠突起,眼眶以打洼法隐起一凸棱;前额高凸,鼻梁凹 陷,鼻以突起之波浪纹饰之;口微张,上唇呈波纹状,下唇平直,左右皆以阴刻线饰出一对利齿;耳呈弧形环立于头顶至脑后;器之中央有对钻大孔,颈后有一对钻小孔,首尾间沿中心孔径方向有一缺口,切口平齐。此猪龙之玉质、造型与加工均属上乘。此龙的头似猪头,故称猪龙。这类的环形或玦形龙在泛红山文化玉群中很多。猪龙和“C”形龙是当时受到最广泛尊崇的神灵。

2.2. Pig-dragon

High: 12.4cm, width: 8cm, thickness: 3cm,

The jade is high quality sapphire with whitish and yellowish mist color.

This is a very popular kind of jade dragon modeling of Pan-Hongshan culture. It has a big head and curled body and connected end to end. The face shape is:  ring-shaped big eyes with round convex eye beads, high forehead, low nasal bridge, corrugated upper lip, straight lower lip, a pair of sharp teeth on both sides, a pair of curved large ears standing on its head. There is a small bifacial hole back of the neck. Between the head and tail there is a gap. This kind of dragon which has beast head and slotted-ring shaped body is known as pig-dragon, it is the most popular shape of jade dragons in Pan-Hongshan cultural period. The pig dragon and the “C” shape dragon were widely respected deities at that time.

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Fig 2.3

2.3   鸟首翼龙顶蛙人



此龙的造型与猪龙相似,不同在于它有翼、鳥喙、和一双鸟足。一蛙首怪人趴于其头 颈部。带翼鸟喙玦形龙在泛红山玉群中并不鲜见,这种龙是女性的图腾。蛙首怪人头似蛙,双目圆凸,前臂与颈前伸趴 伏在龙的头顶,臀部高翘,后腿弯曲,小腿贴于龙之颈 后,整个身体似青蛙欲向前跳跃状。龙之颈后有一对钻圆孔。蛙首人是女娲氏族的图腾形象,此造像表明鸟首翼龙也是女娲氏族的保护神。

2.3. A frogman carried by dragon

High: 6cm, width: 3.5cm, thickness: 2cm.

The jade is high quality black jade with waxy luster and corrosive gray markings.

Its shape is a frogman who stands on a dragon head. The dragon’s shape is similar to the pig dragon showed in Fig 2.2; the differences are that it has a bird head, bird wings and a pair of bird’s feet. The frogman’s shape is: frog head, human body, round convex eyes; his legs squatted and stands on the dragon’s neck, his hands stretch forward and place on the dragon’s head. The frogman is the frog clan’s totem, and the dragon with bird’s head and wings is female totem, so this dragon statue is the protective goddess of Nuwa clan. (Nuwa is original Chinese ancestress, and the frog was the totem of her clan).

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Fig 2.4

2.4    河马、猪龙组合



其造型为一河马头,颈上立一小猪龙。河马之双目圆凸,眉骨呈月牙形突起,双耳斜立于眉骨后方,眉眼间起一凸棱;鼻翼高凸,外翻,鼻孔朝前,鼻口间有一横向凸棱;双唇突起,口微张,嘴角处有一横向对钻圆孔;颈部粗壮,其末端饰一腰鼓形珠,沿珠之中心线有一横向管钻圆孔。颈上猪龙高约 1.5cm,形状较典型,其双目圆突, 环形双耳立于头顶,口前噘,首尾相接呈环形,中间有一对钻圆孔。

河马生活于非洲,猪龙是泛红山文化先民最普遍的崇拜 物,这表示泛红山文化地区先民与非洲先民曾有过友好往来。顺便提一下,腰鼓形玉珠是当时很普遍的护身符。

2.4. The combinative ornament of hippo and pig dragon

Length: 6cm, width: 2cm, high: 3.5cm.

The jade is high quality sapphire with corrosive gray skin and reddish brown markings.

Its shape is a hippo’s head and a pig dragon standing behind. The shape of the hippo’s head is: round convex eyes, crescent-shaped protruding brow, ears standing behind the brow, a convex edge between the brows, big nose, nostrils forward, a horizontal convex ridge between nose and mouth, lips protruding, mouth slightly open, a lateral hole drilled from both side of mouth. There is a drum pearl at the end of its neck.  The pig dragon is in typical shape.

Hippos lived in Africa; pig dragon was the common object of worship of the Pan-Hongshan cultural ancestors, this modeling indicated that our ancestors have had friendly cultural exchanges between Pan-Hongshan cultural area and Africa.  By the way, the waist drum shaped pearl was very popular amulet at that time.

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Fig 2.5


2.5     猪龙、鸟组合佩



其造型为一猪龙背驮一鸟。猪龙形状为环眼、双目突起, 噘嘴、耳未饰出。其身体呈环形。鸟与猪龙背对,鸟之双目呈半球状突起,大喙,羽翼贴于背后,尾翼前翘,鸟之胸前有突起的乳房。猪龙颈后有一对钻牛鼻穿。

此珮是龙与鸟的组合形式,其中鸟为女性,猪龙代表男性。 二者之组合有阴阳组合之意。这种龙、鸟组合的形式一直被继承并演化成为商、周以来的中华龙凤文化。

2.5. A combinative ornament of a bird and a dragon

High: 5.7m, width: 5.4cm, thickness: 1.4cm.

The jade is high quality sapphire with brown markings.

Its shape is a pig dragon and a bird together. The shape of the pig dragon is: ring-shaped convex eyes, pouting snout, round head and curved body. The shape of the bird is: hemispheric protruding eyes, big beak, wings affixed to the back, a pair of plump breasts. The posture of them is in back to back. There is an ox nostrils-shaped hole on the back of the pig dragon’s neck.

This modeling highlights that this bird is female, but the pig dragon stands for male, so it has the meaning of combining the female and male or Yin and Yang. People followed this art form and gradually have evolved into the Chinese Dragon-Phoenix culture during the Shang and Zhou period, which has been continuing up to now.

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Fig 2.6

2.6   龙鹰融合佩

高 6.5cm,宽 3.5cm,厚 1.5cm。


造型为一龙身之鸟。鸟首似鹰首,双目突起,大喙呈弯钩 状,双翅贴于身体两侧,展翅状,身似蛇,尾内弯呈环状。 此器为鸟首龙身图腾造像。很像是在南美洲受到普遍尊敬的羽蛇神-奎札科特尔造像。与图1.13比较可知羽蛇神有人首或鸟首两种造像。

2.6. Dragon and eagle integrated modeling

High: 6.5cm, width: 3.5cm, thickness: 1.5cm.

The jade is in bile color with reddish brown markings.

Its shape is an eagle with dragon’s body. It has protruding eyes, large hook-shaped beak, it wings spread upward, it has a dragon body and the tail curled into ring-shape. It looks like the Feathered Serpent God who is widely respected god in South America named Quetzalcoatl. It is in different shape of the god from the one showing in Fig 1.13,both of them are the same god-Quetzalcoatl.

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