Wild animals and livestock – 野兽和家畜



4.  Wild animals and livestock

A variety modeling of wild animals and domestic animals in the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group provides us with much important cultural information, such as ecological environment; people’ production and life; religious and clan ingredients and so on. Among the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group, there are many kinds of wild animals; the cattle, sheep and pig were the common livestock. From this we know that a good ecological environment in this region for a variety of birds and mammals survive. At that time, the people’s production and life were mainly based on agriculture, animal husbandry and hunting; and from the modeling of the combination and integration of a variety animals, we know that the agriculture and animal husbandry clans were commonly with cattle, sheep and pig as their clan’s totem. We can infer that this region was a mixed area of clans, the main clans were Dong-Yi and Qiang, and they had broad cultural exchange with other regions.

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4.1 Pig


Length: 6.8cm, high: 3.4cm, thickness: 2.1cm.

The jade is a kind of pyroxene in gray-green color with brown markings.

The pig is in standing position; it has a big head, drop-shaped convex eyes, the muzzle pouted, ears standing on the back of its head, the front legs short and the hind legs squatting, and sturdy body. There is a double bevel drilling hole on its chest.

The pig is the totem of the Shiwei’s clan which widely distributed, mainly in the Northeast China and the Chinese eastern coastal area in the New Stone Age. They had important contribution for creating the Hongshan culture and Liangzhu culture.

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Fig 4.2






4.2. Buffalo head

High: 3.5cm, width: 4cm, thickness: 1.1cm.

The jade is sapphire with reddish brown markings and gray spots.

Its shape is: the double horns bended upward, the horn tips pointed to right and left respectively; date kernel-shaped protruding eyes, muzzle pouted. . On the back of it, there is a longitudinal ridge and an ox nostril-shaped drilling hole on its top. This buffalo head model has concise carving techniques and vivid style.

December 1996, near the Xinmin county, Liaoning Province excavated a complete fossil of buffalo horn, by experts confirmed that its time is about ten thousand years ago, the Late Pleistocene. Archaeologists believed that this discovery has great significance for studying the ancient environment during the last ice age in that area. This discovery was also confirmed that it has a good natural and ecological environment in the Pan-Hongshan cultural area at that time.

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4.3. 河马驮海龟





4.3. Hippo and sea turtle combinative ornament


Length: 6cm, high: 5cm, width: 2.8cm.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive reddish brown markings.

The shape of the modeling is a big sea turtle lying on the back of a hippo. The hippo is sturdy, its abdomen bulged, limbs muscular and short, face upward, hemispherical protruding eyes, nostrils upturned, mouth opened, just like to talk with the sea turtle. The sea turtle stretched its neck upward; it has protruding round eyes, round shell, and triangular tail affixed to the hip of the hippo, four big feet, and three toes on each foot and clinging to the hippo’s body. The overall of the modeling is lively and interesting.

Hippo often soak the body in the water, only the head and back out of the water, looks like a big rock; the sea turtle climb up on it to take sunlight and just became a good friend of Hippo. Hippos live in Africa; it was one of the goddess of the ancient Egypt. The sea turtle was the totem of the Xuanyuan’s clan which lived in the Northeast of China. This modeling indicated that the African ancestors and the ancestors lived in the Pan-Hongshen cultural areas have had friendly cultural exchanges.

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4.4. Monkey and rhino combinative ornament


Length: 6cm, high: 4.5cm, thickness: 1.5cm.

The jade is high quality sapphire with corrosive brownish red markings and spots.

This modeling is a monkey leaning behind a rhino’s head. The shape of the rhino’s head is: a pair of big convex drop-shaped eyes sloping downward, nostrils upturned, its single horn is on the top of its nose and bending backward, ears affixed to both sides of its head, which are similar to elephant’s ears. The shape of the monkey is: convex round eyes, protruding muzzle, and hands placed on rhino’s head. There is a straight hole drilled from both sides of the rhino’s cheek. The shape of the modeling is vivid, and made by high level making skills.

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                             Fig 4.5

4.5. 鹰、虎佩

高16.7厘米,宽6.1厘米,厚9 厘米。




4.5.         The combinative ornament of eagle and tiger


High: 16.7cm, width: 6.1cm, thickness: 9cm.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive gray skin and reddish brown markings.

The shape of the modeling is a tiger sitting on a eagle‘s shoulder. The eagle shape is: head slightly reaching, round convex eyes, hook beak, wings affixed to the body sides, the tail extending obliquely downward, and sturdy legs. The tiger’s front legs straight, hind legs flexed, sharp claws, head reached toward, facing front, nostrils upturned, inverse “V”-shaped mouth, erecting ears, drooping tail and the tail end bending up, and high relief spine. This modeling is vivid, and made by high technological level. It is a joint totemic statue, may be the image of Taihao tribal totem.


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