Tag Archives: Pan Hong Shan

Clan Totem Statues



                                                 Clan Totem Statues

Clan totem worship was an important part of the original clan religion. It is a prosperous community during the Pan-Hongshan cultural period, there are many kinds of clan totem statues among the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group.  They are vivid portrayals of ancient legends, also they are the image annotations of the ancient classics, such as <Shan Hai Jing>, and they confirmed that many ancient legends have their true historical background. Many vivid totem images of legendary Chinese ancestors can be seen among the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group.  These totem images also confirmed that the Pan-Hongshan culture is an important source of Chinese civilization.

totem 1-6

                       Fig 1.6

1.6   人首夔龙—雷神



其造型为一人与带翅翼龙之融合体,人首、人足、龙身和鸟翅。整体造型是与三星他拉“ C ”形龙为基础,将其头换为人头,并且在其背部加翼,在其尾部加足。其头部形象为:一双吊梢细目突起,鼻梁挺拔直通上额,双耳贴于面颊后,小嘴呈“ ”字形,尖下颌前翘,颈后有鬣,鬣端上翘。背部有下垂的翅膀,近尾端处生有一双人脚,背部中间有一对钻圆孔。这一造型像是传说中雷神的形象,他可兼控海、陆、空,既可呼风唤雨又可翻江倒海、雷霆万钧,威力无比。传说伏羲之母华胥就是因为踏到了雷神的大足印迹而怀孕,生出人首龙身的伏羲。伏羲是中华民族的共同祖先,人首龙身或人首蛇身是他的图腾形象。

1.6. Thunder God in human head and dragon body shape


High: 5.2cm, width: 5.5cm, thickness: 1.5cm.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive pits and holes and white markings on the surface.


It’s a human and a dragon integrated statue. Its shape is: human head and feet, C-shaped dragon body with wings, a long mane behind the neck. There is a perforation on its back. This statue is the Thunder God image in legend. It is a super-powerful god; it can control the land, sea and sky. There was a legend that Fuxi’s mother “Huaxu” once stepped on a large foot point of the Thunder God, and then she was pregnant and gave birth to Fuxi who has human head and dragon body. Fuxi is the common ancestor of the Chinese nation; his totemic image is in human head and dragon or snake body.

                  totem 1-7

                                        Fig 1.7


1.7   蛙神女娲




1.7. The Frog Goddess Nuwa

High: 6.4cm, width: 2.5cm, thickness: 2.3cm.

The jade is in gray-green color and reddish-brown markings.

The statue is a woman in kneeling posture, facing front, her upper body is upright, and her eyes are sloping upward, mouth slightly open, ears affixed to the back of the cheek. She has a pair of high convex breasts, and put her hands at the bottom of breasts. There is a frog on her top of head, it has high convex eyes, upright front legs and squatting back legs, it is a vivid frog’s image. This woman looks like an image of nursing mother; the frog decoration means that she is ancestress of the Frog clan. Since the Pan-Hongshan cultural period to the Neolithic period, the frog was a very common clan’s totem. A historical legend said that the human ancestress Nuwa was a Frog Goddess, so this image should be the statue of the Goddess Nuw a. In addition according to the legend, Fuxi and Nuwa are husband and wife; they are the common ancestors of Chinese nation, just as is the Western legend of the Adam and Eve. Apart from Nuwa statues in human form, there are frog-shaped Nuwa totemic statues, the frog head and human body Nuwa clan totemic statues, the human head and snake body Nuwa totemic statues and so on.

Totem 1-8


                    Fig 1.8

1.8   有熊氏图腾




1.8. Bear clan’s totem

High: 7cm, width: 3cm, thickness: 3.2cm.

The jade is covered by chicken bone colored skin.

It is a statue of a standing woman with bear head. Its shape is round convex eyes, high nose, bulgy back, and squatting legs; her hands hold her breasts. There is an ox-nostril shaped hole on the back. It is a statue of bear clan’s totem in matriarchal society. The bear clan was the predecessor of the Huangdi family, so Huangdi clan took bear as its clan’s totem, and known as ‘Youxiong’; the Huangdi clan also known as ‘Xuanyuan’ and took sea turtle for its totem. It can be known that the predecessor of Huangdi clan had been a united clan of the bear clan and the sea turtle clan, that is the coalition of a hunting clan and a fishing clan.

totem 1-9

                   Fig 1.9

1.9   天鼋氏图腾




1.9. Turtle clan’s totem

High: 6.8cm, width: 2.8cm, thickness: 2.6cm.

The jade is sapphire and part of the surface covered by chicken-bone color.

The modeling is a totem with turtle head, turtle shell and human body. It shape is: head upward ,the drop-shaped eyes high convex, upturned nose, closed mouth, arms affixed to the sides, an oval-shaped turtle shell on the back, feet closer together. There is a straight bifacial drilling hole from the bottom to the top. The turtle is one of the totems of the Yellow Emperor’s family; a part of original Yellow Emperor clan was a family of fishermen at sea.

totem 1-10

Fig 1.10

1.10    牛氏族图腾













1.10. Ox clan totem

High: 17.3cm, width: 5.8cm, thickness: 7.8cm.

The jade is sapphire with reddish-brown markings and corrosive stripes and holes, and some visible regenerate crystal particles in the corrosive holes.

It is an ox head and human body goddess in kneeling position. Its shape is: high convex drop-shaped eyes, semi-circular shaped ears, muzzle protruding forward, nostrils upturned, two horns stretched to behind of the head and the horn tips bending upward, a pair of large breasts hanging on chest, and buttock uplift. According to the historical legend the image of Yandi was ox head and human body, so the statue should be the ancestress of the Yandi family that is the totem of Yandi family. There is an ox-nostril shaped hole at the back of the statue.

totem 1-11atotem 1-11

Fig 1.11                                                                    Fig 1.11


1.11    人、鹰双面饰




1.11. Double-sided sculpture of portrait and eagle

High: 12cm, width: 10.5cm, thickness: 7cm.

The jade is in green color and brown markings.

One side of the ornament is a portrait; its shape is drop-shaped slope up eyes, garlic-shaped nose, and upturned nostrils, large mouth, sharp canines exposed, tongue stretched upward, eyebrows stretched up to hair line. The overall shape is in dignified and majestic style. This is the leader image of Zaochi clan. The other side is a standing eagle. Its shape is: big eyes, big beak with hook-shaped tip, bulged abdomen, chest with a pair of breasts, legs squatting, and wings affixed both sides. The eagle shape is beautiful and fitness. It shows that the eagle is a totem of Zaochi clan which is a branch of East Yi nationality. They had wildly distribution; and had great contribution for creating Chinese civilization. This jade sculpture is in very high artistic and technology level.

totem 1-12

                  Fig 1.12

1.12 鸟人




1.12. Bird man

High: 6.4cm, width: 3.2cm, thickness: 1.7cm.

The jade is in green color, glass luster and brown markings.


It is a totemic statue with bird head, bird feet and human body. Its shape is: drop-shaped high convex eyes, hook-shaped beak, and a crest on head, two hands at the back, the abdomen bulged, and legs squatting. This is a vivid image and superb technique.

The Bird man is the totem of the “Stork Head State” recorded in < Shanhai jing> classics. Today some people still enshrine Bird man, such as Easter Island and other places in South Pacific area. Dating back 15000 years or so, the Stork Head clan flourished in Northeast China, they maybe the founder of the earliest writing system.

totem 1-13


                     Fig 1.13

1.13  羽蛇神

高6.8cm,宽 3.8cm,厚 1.8cm。




1.13. The Feathered Serpent God

High: 6.8cm, width: 3.8cm, thickness: 1.8cm.

The jade is in dark green color and reddish brown stains on the surface.

This statue is a goddess image. She has woman head and dragon body; and there are a pair of wings and a pair of feet on her body, and an ox nostril-shaped hole behind her head. This statue is much like the legendary Feathered Serpent God-Quetzalcoatl in Mayan culture,her image is similar to the thunder god showed on figure 1.6.


Introduction of the book “The Earliest Miraculous Treasure–Pan–Hongshan Cultural Jade Group”

Here is an introduction which is also an excerpt from my book on Pan Hong Shan Jade Culture.  It is written in Chinese and roughly translated to English.  Please email me or comment below if you would like to discuss on this topic.  Also if you are interested in the book, you may contact me as well.




本书的概论题为“穿越时空的探索—论泛红山文化玉群”,该论文通过对泛红山文化玉群的研究,论证了自末次冰期晚期直至新石器时期悠长的时间范围内,及 自东北亚横跨北太平洋直至美洲西北部的广阔范围内曾经有过以 “泛红山文化”为代表的时期人类文明,并且对楷文化的性质做了具体的分析和研究。其内容涉及:

  1. 原始氏族社会的各类原始崇拜,如自然崇拜、祖先崇拜、生殖崇拜、性崇拜、图腾崇拜等,以及原始宗教的地位和作用;
  2. 在史前文化中独具特色的外星生命体崇拜,以及外星科技介入人类文明的可能性;
  3. 泛红山文化的时空范畴以及它与红山文化的关系;
  4. 泛红山文化向环太平洋地区扩散;
  5. 泛红山文化与当是世界上不同地区的文化交流以及当是存在世界性整体文明的可能性;
  6. 对玉群中大量融合体造型的分析;
  7. 基因改造产生现代人的可能性;
  8. 泛红山文化玉器的特点等。



第一章.      人、神系列;

第二章.      龙系列;

第三章.      飞禽系列;

第四章.      走兽、家畜系列;

第五章.      昆虫系列;

第六章.      水族系列;

第七章.      生殖文化和性文化系列;

第八章.      外星生命体系列;

第九章.      器物系列。



  A lost prehistoric civilization was discovered by means of studying a large number of Hongshan type jade. This civilization directly related to the Hongshan culture in North China during the Neolithic period. Its spatial and temporal span covered the Hongshan culture, so the author called it “Pan-Hongshan culture”. Its corresponding jade group was called “Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group”. The Pan-Hongshan culture began in the Last Ice Age. It’s a high level prehistoric culture. It’s an important source of civilization of China and the area of Pacific Rim.

This book belongs to the category of the archaeology of the cultural relics. It’s an important prehistoric archaeological document and an elegant prehistoric sculpture art book too.

There is an article: “The exploration of crossing the time and space —-On Pan-Hingshan cultural jade group” on the beginning of this book. Going through the study of the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group, the author proved that there was a prehistoric civilization represented by Pan-Hongshan culture during the late of the Last Ice Age, its area was from Northeast Asia across North Pacific Ocean to North America. The author has made a concrete analysis and research on its cultural characteristics. A number of academic problems were dealing with in the book, such as:

  1. The different kinds of original worship in the clan society, such as worshipping the nature, worshipping the ancestor, worshipping the reproduction, worshipping the sex, totemism etc, and the social position and function of the original religion.
  2. Worshipping the fantastic living bodies of the outer space in the prehistoric culture period and the possibility that the alien and its space science and technology participated in the development process of human civilization.
  3. The spatial and temporal span of the Pan-Hongshan culture and the relationship between the Hongshan culture and the Pan-Hongshan culture.
  4. The Pan-Hongshan culture spread to the area of Pacific Rim.
  5. The cultural exchanges among the Pan-Hongshan culture and other cultures in different areas of the world and different races in the world, and the possibility of existence of an integrity civilization of the world at that time.
  6. The analysis of all kinds of the integrated art objects in the Pan-Hongonshan cultural jade group.
  7. The possibility of producing modern human beings by means of gene reforming.
  8. The distinguishing features of Pan-Hongshan cultural jade works.

Mr.He Guang Yue the famous historian prefaced this book with an introduction. He affirmed the viewpoints proposed by the author, and gave a high evaluation on this book.

There’re 528 photos of Pan-Hongshan cultural jade pieces in the book. They were divided into nine series (nine chapters).They are:

Chapter 1        The series of human and deity

Chapter 2        The series of dragon

Chapter 3        The series of bird

Chapter 4        The series of beast and livestock

Chapter 5        The series of insect

Chapter 6        The series of aquatic animal

Chapter 7        The series of reproductive culture and sex culture

Chapter 8        The series of living body of the outer space

Chapter 9        The series of utensil and ornament

This book is an important archaeological document as well as a classical archaic jade picture album; it’s a useful reference book for the scholars who study the archaic jade or the prehistoric civilization. It has high collection value.