Tag Archives: panhongshan jade

外星生命 – Extraterrestrial living bodies




融合体的造型在泛红山文化玉群中所占的比例相当大,多种不同生物的融合造型也是泛红山文化玉群的突出特点,它自然会使人们联想到:有部分的外星人它们掌握了遗传基因的改造技术, 可将不同物种融合为一体,也可将外星生命和地球生命融合为一体。所以很多融合体造型不一定是从外星而来,它们可能是实验室的产物。而这些融合体很可能仍生活在我们的地球上,以至我们现代人自身也可能是早期的地球人和高智能外星生命的融合体。

  1. Extraterrestrial living bodies

Among the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group, the most surprising is that a considerable proportion jade pieces in various shape of extraterrestrial living body; some of them are people like, some like beasts, birds or insects, as well as the integration or combination of different species. These made the Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group unique in the prehistoric cultures, and it is the great spectacle in the archaeological cultures of the world. So many vivid, ingenious shapes of extraterrestrial living body would not be imaginary by the Pan-Hongshan people; in fact these shapes related to the primitive worships or had their true background.

The modeling of integrated body occupies a large proportion in Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group, many different integrated biological modeling is a prominent cultural character of Pan-Hongshan cultural jade group. It is natural to make people think that some of extraterrestrial mastered the genetic transformation technology, and integrated different species together into new living body, as well as to make the extraterrestrial life and the life lived on earth together into new living body. So many integrated living bodies are not necessarily come from the alien; they may be the products of the laboratory. These integrated living bodies are likely to continue to live in our planet, and our modern people may also be the integrated bodies of the highly intelligent alien and earth people in early time.

Alien 8-1


8.1. 长角外星人




  • 8.1 Horned alien


High: 18.5cm, width: 7.8cm, thickness: 4cm.

It is made of sapphire with corrosive gray skin and brownish yellow markings.

This modeling is an alien with big head and long horns. Its shape is: protruding olive-shaped eyes with relief orbits, high convex forehead, and a horizontal ridge below the orbits, pouting muzzle and nostrils forward, two horizontal grooves decorated below the nose, opened mouth, acuminate jaw affixed to the chest, ears affixed to the cheeks, a pair of long vertical horns on the head, legs squatting, hands placed on knees. There is an ox nostril-shaped hole back of its neck. This is a fantastic alien modeling with fine processing; both of artistic and technological levels are superb.

Alien 8-2

                       Fig 8.2


  • 8.2 巨爪外星人




  • 8.2 Big claws alien

High: 6cm, width: 2.2cm, thickness: 2.9cm.

It is made of high quality white nephrite with corrosive pits and red brown and black markings.

This modeling is an alien with big head and small body. Its shape is: a narrow and long head, a pair of protruding drop-shaped eyes, big and short nose, nostrils turned out, slightly open mouth, protruding tongue, erect ears are monkey ears like, hair on the top of the head and upturned and decorated with groove patterns, upper body very small, the arms grew up from the back of the cheeks, and big hands are animal’s claw like, and placed on the sides of  waist, three fingers on each hand, legs squatted, three toes on each foot, bulged abdomen. There is an ox nostril-shaped hole back of the neck.

Alien 8-3

                      Fig 8.3


  •  8.3 跪拜姿外星人




  • 8.3 Alien in kneeling and praying posture


High: 8.6cm, width: 3.5cm, thickness: 1cm.

It’s made of sapphire with corrosive pits and reddish brown markings.

This modeling is a female alien in kneeling posture with hands together in front. Its shape is: big head, ring-shaped big eyes almost covered the entire face, straight nose, small mouth pouting and slightly open, it seems chanting scripture. The hair was hung on the back. There is a drilling hole back of the neck. This modeling is a flake ornament, but it has three-dimensional effect, this is the consequence of the nose and mouth at the edge on the side.

Alien 8-4

                                   Fig 8.4

  • 8.4 顶鹰外星




  • 8.4 Eagle and alien

High: 7cm, width: 3.2cm, thickness: 3cm.

It is made of sapphire with brownish red markings.

This modeling is an eagle standing on an alien’s head. The shape of the alien is: only a head without body, two arms grew up from both sides of cheeks, hands placed on both sides of lower jaw, protruding semicircular-shaped eyes, garlic-shaped nose with straight nose bridge, closed mouth, ears affixed to the sides of top of the head, the mandible forward. It is a very strange image; it looks like a wise old man. The eagle’s shape is: head forward, wings spreading upward, convex eyes, bending strong legs, talons clutching the alien’s head. There is an ox nostril-shaped hole back of its neck. This model remind us of the flake jade image in the Longshan culture, its shape is an eagle clutched two human heads, it is similar to this piece, it can be seen that this Longshan jade piece is the inheritance of Pan-Hongshan cultural.


Alien 8-5


                                   Fig 8.5


  •  8.5 鸭嘴水怪





  • 8.5 Duck beak-water monster

 High: 13cm, width: 7cm, thickness: 10cm.

It is made of sapphire with corrosive reddish brown markings.

It is a monster with a big head and duck beak in squatting posture. Its shape is: round convex eyes with ring-shaped orbit, garlic-shaped nose with nostrils turned outward, bifurcated eyebrows, a pair of V-shaped horns protruding between the eyebrows, large beak, the upper lip upturned and with a ridge on the middle of it, rhino ear like ears standing on the head, its body like human body, smaller forelimbs, and strong hind legs, both of its hand and foot are bird claws like, and three fingers on each hand, and three toes on each foot. This shape of the modeling is strange and vivid, and with the difficult process.

In 1938, on the Baltic beaches in Estonia, Eastern Europe, some people saw a similar monster with a duck beak which escaped into sea when it knew that some people were watching it. Accordingly, we can call the monster as a “duck beak-water monster”. Coincidentally, the Olmec culture in South America also appeared the similar jade duck beak-monster statue.

Alien 8-6

                        Fig 8.6


  •  8.6 外星骷髅



其造型为一外星人头骨。其轮廓似一鸟,口及下颌以上似鸟的上身,下颌及口部似鸟的尾翼。正面以圆雕饰出骷髅的形状,反面基本上平光,只有口部及下颌部背面为一凹面,凹面上方两侧饰有“人”字形斜槽。正面上方有一从两侧对钻的“ 8 ”字形大眼眶,两眼间鼻梁骨凹陷,其下方有一小圆孔使双眼连通,两眼间眉骨尖突下弯;鼻骨隆起于眼眶下方,呈凸弧形;鼻端骨略上翘,两鼻孔间有一横向圆孔,使二鼻孔连通。眼眶下方颧骨呈弯钩状,在鼻骨两侧突起两凸棱,凸棱下方下颌部与口部变窄。口很大呈弧形,有上、下两排牙齿。头顶有一对钻牛鼻穿


  • 8.6 Alien skull


High: 5cm, width: 3.5cm, thickness: 1.9cm.

It is made of white jade with corrosive brown markings.

This is an alien skull modeling. Its outline looks like a bird, above the mouth like the bird’s upper body, and the mouth and the jaw like the bird’s tail. The positive surface is decorated with the high relief processing; the opposite is flat, only the back of the mouth and the jaw concave and with V-shaped grooves on both sides. The shape on the positive is: a pair of glasses-shaped eyes, sunken nasal bone between the eyes, below which there is a hole to connect the eyes, the tip of the nose bone protruding; there is a horizontal round hole between the nostrils, hook-shaped cheek bones with convex edges, large curved mouth with upper and lower teeth. There is an ox nostril-shaped hole on the top of the head. The shape of the alien skull is oddly, and with complex structure and difficult process. The purpose to make the alien skull model should be the aliens communicated their message to the earth; especially using the high quality jade to make it is for saving it a long time, so that the future generations have an opportunity to see it.

Aquatic animals – 水族生物


泛红山文化玉群中,水族生物的造型很多,有淡水生物、海洋生物及两栖类生物。这表明泛红山文化区涵盖了部分的沿海地区,  并且从氏族图腾的造型可知其地域范围是从东北亚地区经白令海峡直至美洲的西北部沿岸地区,其中包括了北太平洋的广阔海域。这证明了泛红山文化时期的先民们已经掌握了造船技术和航海的能力。


6.  Aquatic animals

There are many modeling of aquatic animal in the Pan-hongshan cultural jade group, such as the freshwater animals, marine animals and amphibian species. This shows that Pan-Hongshan cultural district covered a part of coastal areas, and from the shapes of its clan’s totem, we can see that its geographical range is from Northeast Asia via the Bering Strait until American Northwest coast, including the vast North Pacific rims. This proves that our ancestors already mastered the shipbuilding and marine technology during the Pan-Hongshan cultural period.

Among the Pan-Hongshan jade group many turtles, frogs and salamanders modeling appeared, it shows that Xuanyuan clan or called it Tianyuan clan, which with the turtle or sea turtle as their totem, and the Nuwa clan which with the frog or salamander as their totem were powerful clans; they have wide geographical distribution including coast and inland areas.    Other than the general shapes of fish there are mermaid modeling, and the integrated shapes of terrestrial organisms and fish, and even the exotic modeling of alien riding whale, turtle carrying mermaid and so on in the jade group. These modeling give us reason to suspect that there are intelligent humanoids or aliens living in the ocean. The ocean not only has been relating to the human survival but also has been relating to the human civilization.

aquatic 6-1

                                               Fig 6.1

 6.1 海龟




6.1.         Sea turtle

Length: 11.5cm, width: 9.4cm, high 4.2cm.

The jade is sapphire in light green color, non-variegation, and with corrosive reddish brown markings.

This modeling is a crawling like sea turtle. It has a pair of hemispheric protruding eyes and looking up, stout limbs and metacarpals were decorated with corrugated patterns, slight upturned nose, large mouth, acuminate short tail, convex shell with no decoration, plain abdomen. There is an ox nostril-shaped drilling hole below its neck. This modeling of the sea turtle is lively, lovely, and fine processing. It has high artistic and technological level.

aquatic 6-2

                                            Fig 6.2


长 5cm,宽 4cm,高 2.2cm。



6.1.         Frog

Length: 5cm, width: 4cm, high: 2.2cm.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive reddish brown markings,and wax luster.

The shape of the frog modeling is: protruding round eyes, face forward, forelegs reaching, hind legs bending. There are three longitudinal groove patterns decorated on its back. The overall shape of it is preying-like, very lively.

aquatic 6-3

                                          Fig 6.3





6.1.         Fish

Length: 8.8cm, thickness: 0.5cm.

The jade is sapphire with corrosive brown markings.

The modeling is a flat fish; both sides of it have the same decorations. It is in swimming and preying posture. It shape is: a pair of big opening round eyes, opened mouth, it has fins on the abdomen and back, tail bending inward, it looks like ready to prey on. The style of this modeling is very lively. There is round bifacial drilling hole back of the neck.

aquatic 6-4

                                            Fig 6.4

6.4. 蛹驮海豹




6.4         Pupa carrying  seal

 High: 5.8cm, width: 4cm, thickness: 2cm.

The jade is in bile color, it has corrosive brown markings.

This modeling is a seal standing on the back of a pupa. The seal shape is: looking upward and upturned tail, the tail bifurcated and affixed to the back of its neck, feet on the back of the pupa. The pupa is slightly boat like, it has convex round eyes, and upturned tail.

aquatic 6-5

                                         Fig 6.5




造型为一大蛙背驮一小孩。蛙呈坐姿,后腿前屈,前腿微屈,四肢壮硕,四足大而有力,爪趾分明,内钩支撑于地面。蛙之眉眼高凸,睛珠呈枣核形,鼻端尖凸,大嘴呈“人”字形,两腮隆起。腹部圆凸,脊柱突起,背部饰菱形瓦沟纹。小孩趴伏于蛙背,小臂和双手贴于蛙之头顶,抬头前视,其面部形为:吊梢眼,直鼻,小口,颧骨隆起 下颏前翘,双耳突起于面颊后方,头顶有长方形发髻。此玉饰造型生动,工艺水平很高。女娲氏以蛙为图腾,此造像即是女娲造人的生动写照。


6.5        The totemic image of Nuwa

Length: 10.4cm, width: 7.5cm, high: 10cm, weight: 630g.

The jade is high quality dark green jade with corrosive brownish gray markings.

The modeling is a big frog carried a small child on its back. The frog is in sitting position, its limbs sturdy, hind legs bended forward, the forelegs slightly bended. It used its large and powerful four claws to support on the ground. Its facial feature is: high convex date kernel-shaped eyes, protruding nose tip, “V”-shaped mouth, bulged cheeks. It has round convex abdomen and protruding spine. Its back was decorated with diamond-shaped tile groove patterns. The child is in kneeling prone posture and putting his arms and hands on the head of the frog, forward looking. His face shape is: slope up eyes, straight nose, small mouth, bulged cheek bones, acuminate chin forward, protruding ears behind the cheeks, and a rectangular bun on the head. This modeling is vivid style, and very high technological level. Goddess Nuwa was the human creator, she is the earliest human mother, and frog or salamander is her clan’s totem. This modeling is a vivid portrayal of Nuwa.

During the Late Last Ice Age period, a part of Nuwa’s ethnic moved to the northwest of America. So far, there are some of Nuwa’s totemic rock arts which are frogs and salamanders on the mountains near by the city Santa Barbara.

aquatic 6-6

                               Fig 6.6


高 13.5cm,龟身长 8.5cm,龟耳宽 5.5cm。



6.6.         Mermaid and turtle

 High: 13.5cm, the length of the turtle: 8.5cm, the width of the turtle: 5.5cm.

The jade is black nephrite with corrosive gray and cinnabar markings.

This modeling is a mermaid standing on a turtle’s back. The turtle is walking like, rising head and looking forward. The shape of the mermaid is woman’s body and fish tail, beauty tail upturn to her buttock and erective body, beautiful face, facing front, hair hang to the back, plump breasts and both hands hold on the bottom of the breasts. The overall shape is vivid and full of rich imagination. It makes people naturally to think of a beautiful fairy tale. This mermaid probably is the sea goddess Sedna in the Eskimo legendry, she is the creator of the Arctic marine creatures, and she lived on the seabed. Such an art modeling was undoubtedly the best in the prehistoric sculptural art.